

A different world

Hidden followers...
In our town we learned that there are about 12 followers of Jesus that have not made it public yet for fear of their lives. They've been meeting with Pastor in secret as he disciples them in the Word and encourage them to be open with their faith. Recently we found out that one of our tailor friends is also a hidden believer. In English he explained his situation to us and said that he would like to study God's word but will have to do it in secret. Kacy and I along with Pastor Samuel hope to start a study with our new friend within the next couple weeks. Please pray we'll be able to encourage him in his faith.

Burns, bruises, and babies...
In the past five weeks we've had a volunteer, Leah, stay with us to experience the way we live and work among the Maninka people. She is currently studying to be a physician's assistant so as part of her time here we were able to work something out with the clinic in our town to allow Leah to observe the way they do medicine and treat patients. A couple times a weeks Leah, and either Kacy or I would go (to translate for her), and visit with the doctors and patients. We saw patients with malaria, some burn injuries, other injuries caused by traditional medicine and things you would only see in an African country. In addition we also observed the maternity ward of the clinic, and was there at the beginning stages of a delivery, unfortunately due to some complications she couldn't have her baby in town and was told to go into the capital. On one of our last days at the clinic we saw the woman and learned she was able to get a c section and have her baby. They both seem to be doing well and looked healthy. Praise God. We also met other women in all stages of pregnancy as they went for their regular check ups, and some who had miscarriages and others who just recently had their baby.

Observing this clinic these past few of weeks has made me even more aware of the differences in our culture to theirs. Not only do they not have all the equipment to properly diagnose a patient or provide the best and most thorough care, but they also have to deal with spirits and other traditional or cultural beliefs that can interfere with the medical process. It totally is a different world over here. Please pray for the people's health, especially at this time of the year when Malaria is very common along with other tropical diseases.

Reconnecting relationships...

We began sharing stories with our friends Hellen and Kay awhile back, but about halfway into the story set we couldn't get them to sit long enough to listen. We thought that they weren't interested anymore, but we continued to visit praying for opportunities to share with them about Jesus.

About a few months back Kay got a really bad infection that was eating away at her hand. Pastor Samuel helped to clean it up and bandage it and even gave some medicine. In addition to cleaning up and medicating her wound, he would also pray for her in Jesus name.

The wound eventually healed, and when we would thank God for it, Kay would thank God for using Pastor. After this situation we saw a change in Kay, and it seemed like she became more open to what we have to say about God.

Her hand is not back to normal, the wound had closed and healed but in a way that she cant really open up or stretch out her palm. So we continue to visit and pray with her for full healing, that she would be able to use that hand again. While Leah was here we visited her and told her about some exercises to help build the muscle and stretch out her hand.

During our visits we were also able to pray for Kay about her hand, and we prayed for her and Hellen that God would provide a good crop for their family, and we also got to share a story about Jesus with them.

In this culture when someone prays for another, the person being prayed for gives some money to the person who prayed. They believe that by doing this God would be more likely to answer, or at least speed up his answer. So Hellen tried offer us some money after we prayed, but we didn't take it and got to tell her and Kay that we trust God will answer our prayers because we pray in Jesus' name. We also told them we don't ask for anything by praying for them, it's enough that they welcomed us into their home. And with that they responded "you have shown us love."

Love isn't a word people just throw around openly or naturally. They don't really talk about or show much emotion in this culture. We keep wondering if we are really connecting with the people at all, becuase the way to build a good solid relationship here is different from what we're used to. I could only pray that God would help me show them love. So when I heard Hellen tell us we've shown them love, I can only thank God.

God has used the five weeks that Leah was here to help us reconnect with some of our friends, or make the relationship closer. When visited them and tell them we have a friend from America we want them to meet they were so honored and grateful that we considered them good enough friends to introduce them to our American friends and family. Please pray these relationships continue to grow, and we would get more opportunities to tell them about Jesus.

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