

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls...

Sad goodbyes:
We have officially said goodbye to all our OneStory members who have
successfully completed their two year term. Each team left with stories on cassettes for each of their people group, and lives touched with the truth. "Well done good and faithful servants"

going to miss you all. Come back soon!

In other sad news Andrew's brother who we think was sick with TB passed away. As far as we know he was not a believer, but Andrew has shared with him about Jesus multiple times. Please pray for Andrew and his family as they mourn his brother's death. Continue to lift up Andrew as he is the only light in a very dark village.

Forts visit:
One weekend this month we got a visit from our Member care team David and Laurel Fort. Now don't worry, we're still pretty sane. It was wonderful visiting with them, and getting to show them around our place. They got to meet many of the believers, not just from our town but from other nearby towns and villages as well. We also enjoyed some really good fried sweet potatoes and lots of watermelon, and other good food

On the Sunday of the Forts visit we went to the nearby town for a church service. Afterward they had a mini conference so Pastor could answer their questions about how to reach the unbelievers in their area and how to answer their questions, and how we can testify as believers though our actions. It was also a good time of just getting updates from the other believers from other places, and hear their praises and prayer requests. Most of them are the only believers in their villages. There were about 15-20 believers at that meeting, some were Maninka, and others were from other people group.

Happy Hellos:
Though it's the ending for some, it's just the beginning for others.

We have two new additions to our OneStory family. Brittany and Amanda. Who will be working in the Guinea area. And two new Journeymen added to our Mali family, Rachel C. and Rachel P., doing research around Mali.

As their village orientation they spent about a week with Kacy and I at our village. The Rachels and I stayed in Archeland, while Brittany and Amanda went with Kacy up to The Goonies to Andrew's village and spent some nights there.

Quick view of our week in Archeland:
- Worship and prayer every night with Pastor Sam and his family, and sometimes joined by other believers in town.
- Testing stories
- Lots of Bon Mama, Oh Lala tea

- Peanut sauce, fried sweet potatoes with barbecue like chicken, beans, spaghetti (Malian style),Watermelon, Watermelon, and tons of Watermelon.
- Learning the WORK of the women: How they cook, clean...
- Language learning, and blunders...
- Larry, Curly, and Moe
- Riding donkeys
- Catching chickens, or at least some of us attempting to, while Amanda actually caught one on our last day there.
- Several Market trips
- Frozen hibiscus juice
- Dyeing fabric
- Church with the believers in Archenland and singing a song in English
- An evening of singing more English praise and worship songs
- Getting lost trying to get to the waterfall somewhere up on the mountains.
- Finally getting to the waterfall - a day of fun, relaxing, playing on the rocks and water.
- House church at the falls: "Be strong! Take courage! Don't be intimidated, afraid or worried. God is right here with you. He will not let you down, and He will never leave you..."

Going to Guinea!:
So during our week with the newbies we found out we get to join, Judy, Brittany, Amanda, and the 2 Rachels on their trip to Guinea on Thanksgiving day to help Brittany and Amanda settle in their new home and village.

We just turned in our visa application this morning (Tuesday). Please pray we get it back soon and ready to go on Thursday.

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