

picture review

Some have asked to see a little bit of life in Mali, here is a quick review through pictures


^^depending on what your doing this area can be the backyard, living room, or kitchen - in this picture it's a kitchen^^

^^A view of the huts, and the corn field beginning to grow^^

^^The hut to the right is where we sleep, next to it with the hammock is the chief's hut^^

^^our little brother tying up the cow^^

^^Our donkey getting a drink from the well. In this picture this area is now the backyard^^

^^helping our sister stir the Toh, ok she's actually helping me, I haven't quite got the technique down^^

^^lunch - the usual, rice and sauce.. oh lets go all out and throw some fish on it...^^

^^The catch of the day? It's the catch of the year^^

^^The believers in Archenland, taken when my family came to visit^^

^^Pounding the onions, garlic and other ingredients for the sauce for our Easter celebration^^

^^Sitting with the women waiting for the food to finish^^

^^This is where we'll live for the next 2 years, for the moment it's still under construction^^

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