

surprise vacation

After getting back from our vacation in Europe, we quickly began getting things packed up in Ktown.

During the week we learned that our supervisor was going up to see one of our teams up in Timbuktu. So Kacy and I thought that since we probably wont be able to get any actual work done, and we still had some vacation days left, that we would take another vacation and join our supervisor on her trip and surprise the girls.

It was a great time to be with them, visit their villages, and see how they're doing. And from what I saw and heard they're doing well and moving along.

It was a wonderful time getting to sing praises, praying and worshiping with them in their village, and out in the dunes as we watched the sun set when we went on a camel ride, and also on a boat as we sailed out to see some of the other possible villages the girls could visit (and we saw some hippos along the way, at least 8 at one time, a few more here and there).

GOD is GOOD!!!!

Now with one week to go, we plan to finish packing up the rest of our things in our house in Ktown so the movers can pick it up sometime during this week. We also plan to spend most of the week in Kville, and we'll be having a party near the end of the week, and saying our goodbyes till we come back to Bamako on Saturday, and fly to America on Sunday.

It's bittersweet emotions, I'm excited to be with family and friends again, but sad about having to say goodbye to the ones I've made here.

*pictures - you can do a right click, open new window on the pictures and you can view them much bigger*
1 - Alyson surprised to see us when she opened up the back of the truck
2 - Camel ride to the dunes
3 - All of us dressed up in traditional wear of the women of Timbuktu. We wore it during our camel ride... check out KoraBora Barbie on the left

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