

more praises

Here's another update on life here in Mali since I haven't posted on this in a while.

See we've been having some set backs with our stories lately. In that our story crafter says there's things in the rest of the stories that he just can't say.

Well we've tried working with someone else, but that just hasn't been working out either.

We've been praying and praying about this, asking for direction, and we were both at a point where we were out of ideas.

So our supervisor thought we should check out another town, about 1hr and a half to 2 hrs drive from our town. We didn't have anything specific to look for, just maybe for signs if there were any believers there, or anyone who could help us, or even point us in the right direction.

So just 3 days ago we drove up there and met up with our Supervisor and a friend. Then we drove through town, and out up to the Guinea border, then turned back around. Then our supervisor decided to stop in one of the villages we had passed. We parked, and greeted the man walking by and asked to see the chief.

It was mostly Kacy and I talking so we can see if they were speaking more of our language or the trade language. We sat and spoke with the chief, a teacher and another man, explaining to them that we want to take God's word and put them in a story in their language for all their people to hear. We then asked if they could find someone who would be willing to help us do that and tell the stories. Explaining to them that though we can speak the language, we still wouldn't do as good a job telling the story as a national would. They thought that was good, and agreed that to tell God's story is important and said they want to help. So we set up to meet with them the next day, so we can speak to the other villagers and tell them what we're wanting to do.

So we got up early the next day, and drove about 2 hrs to make it to the village by 9:30. We were greeted by the teacher who then went on his way after we had met some of the elders, who then lead us to another group of the older men sitting and waiting for us.

Let me tell you I was thrilled to see those elders, because it showed they were taking us seriously, and we would be talking with people who have influence, and a say on what goes on around the village.

We explained to them again what we were doing, then we were able to play all the stories we've recorded so far. Then Kacy was able to tell the next story we want to work on. And one of the men was actually re-telling it as she was telling the story.

We discussed over and over what we were doing, so it would be clear. We had a good time meeting and laughing with them. And they even thought of certain people who might be able to help, and asked us to come again to work this out some more.

Right now we will be away for training and retreat for about 2 weeks. We told them we'll call them when we get back, so we can arrange another visit. In the mean time they said they will be looking for people who could possibly help us.

I was very pleased with this meeting. There is nothing definite yet, and we continue to seek your prayers for us to find a story crafter. But all in all it has be an encouraging last few days. Praise God!!!


I also wanted to post some pictures from our other villages, but it's not loading so well. I was, however, able to load some on Facebook... so if you're on facebook feel free to check out my photos there.

Thanks for keeping up.

Much Love

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