Well after some errands here in Bamako we're headed back out for our town today. And soon to our main village, and hopefully to many other nearby villages. We plan to be out of the capital for awhile - basically till our next training either at the end of October or beginning of November.
Please keep us in your prayers as we hope to get going with our stories, and are still searching for our Crafter (a national who can tell and record the stories). Please lifte up the men and women we hope to play our stories for, that they will be receptive to it and see the truth of the stories.
Continue to lift up our Bro. in the village - who is definitely seeking and has been asking lots of questions. That God would answer those questions, whether it's in his dreams, or through reading of the WORD, or even through us.
And last... I shall leave you with some pictures from Senegal. Enjoy

1 comment:
Hey Reaiah, awesome! I really like your new post. You included pictures!! Hooray. However, they are teeny tiny and I can see the face of no one. I can identify you, Kacy, and Judy. (the only people I've ever met) The other people, they might not even be people with faces for all I know. :) Ha ha! Okay, love ya, sorry I haven't emailed in forever. I'm a lazy, bad emailer. Still love you, though!
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