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is it “TRUST when all else fails”
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“be thankful for everything”
Ok so I’ve been down a little because I’ve been too focused on my setbacks and discouragements about our situation but lately God has been reminding me to praise Him anyways for those things, and be thankful for everything good, bad, and anything in between, for things in the past, things present, and things to come… He’s still in control
So I’m thankful for…
…How the plans of the Lord stand firm forever... – Psalm 33:11
…God’s patience with me as He teaches and reminds me things over and over
…God’s faithfulness, especially when mine lacks
…Encouragements from friends and family
…Prayer – that when I can’t get the words out God knows what I need to say, and for the many out there who is also praying for us
…God’s word and stories – you can never hear a story too many times, there will always be something new to learn
…Bro helping us with language learning, and with our first 8 stories and willing to re-record them over and over till we think it’s good
…A friend in town helping us with back translating, even if he thinks his English isn’t that good
…Other random people we’ve ran into in town or the village, and others in the capital that has had some part in helping us with our stories
…The crafter God will provide to tell the rest of the stories
…The people willing to listen to and talk about the stories we’ve recorded
…The people that will come to know Christ through these stories
…Cold season (temp usually around 70F – and yes it’s cold for me) – which is very refreshing after the Hot season
…Hot season – (temp very HOT) - a sign that rainy season is on its way
…Rainy season – a time when people ask us to pray for rain to water their crops, and them realized that God hears our prayers
…Dry season – when the planting and harvesting are finished, and people get to rest more or be around the village more – when the roads dry up from rainy season and are at least drivable
…A car that has endured the bad roads and our driving, and (eventually)gets us where we need to go
…The car troubles –flat tires, stuck in mud, not starting – we can laugh about now
…The people who helped us during those car troubles
…Our family and other’s in the village we’ve gotten to know well and has welcomed us as their own and have taken very good care of us
…The other people in the village who don’t know us as well and still stare at us or just give us a hard time – teaches me patience and reminds me I must still love them like Jesus
…Sitting out under the stars in the village and talking, telling jokes or stories
…The moon and sun – God’s natural light and our main light source in the village
…A sister in the village that cooks pretty well
…Fishing days – coz we get to eat the fish they catch with our rice and sauce
…Bush animals – birds or rats – our guys in the village like to hunt, cook and share with us
…Mangoes – all kinds from the ones that taste like the regular mangoes to the ones that taste like apples, peaches, or pineapples and sometimes even a fruit blend smoothie
…Mp3 players we can take out with us to the village when we need to escape in our huts and listen to music for a bit
…A home in town where we can be “Americans”
…The banana girl that somehow always knows just when we’re at home and show’s up to sell us bananas, sometimes mangoes or papayas, and after being here 1 year I think I finally got a fair price
…Electricity that works most of the time in town to run the fans and computers…
…DVDs to watch on the computer when we just need to unwind
…Animals we’ve had in our compounds that provide another source of entertainment
…Our new cat that we hope will catch the rats in our house
…The rats that we had fun playing “hockey” with in trying to catch it and kill it with sticks and brooms
…A refrigerator that now keeps things cold
…Getting to cook our own food when we’re in town
…Learning to cook with whatever veggies or spices we find in the market
…Going to the market with our sisters from the village and sit with them as they sell rice or beans or other things
…Food packages we can just heat when we don’t feel like cooking
…Goodies (aka – junk food) from home when we want something a little different from what we can get out here
…Packages that remind us of home
…Roommates that like to cook and experiment with food and dessert – especially when Kacy gets the urge to make chocolate cake or snickerdoodles
…Friends and strangers that don’t seem to mind cleaning up after my mess when I’m sick, and take care of me till I feel better
…Nice doctors who make house calls and provides medicine – no charge
…Sick days that force me to stay in bed – gives me longer time w/ Jesus
…Healthy days when I can be out building relationships with people so I have a chance to tell them about Jesus
…The relationship culture and people willing to help you because they’re now your friend
…Teammates – who understand what I’m going through better than anyone else – Questers and especially Kacy
…Our workers in the capital that have been very helpful and encouraging to us in many ways (from letting us crash at their homes, or during meals, borrow books or movies, or just sit and talk with…)
…My new liking for reading
…The soft serve Ice Cream we can get at a gas station in the capital
…The grocery stores we can go to in the capital when don’t feel like venturing out to the market to buy food
…Not getting lost or feeling overwhelmed anymore whenever we go to the market, especially the big ones
…Improving in the numbers to shop and bargain
…Being able to buy something at the price I want
…Finding “treasure” at the markets (…American clothes, a really cool fabric)
…When the tailor is able to make the outfit the way I described it
…Working internet (usually at the capital or places we have training)
…A phone and good connection even in the village when we need to call someone
…Trainings and conferences – provides a good break – and refreshes our minds
…Getting to be with the other M. during those trainings – worshiping together, hanging out, hearing about what God is doing in each other’s lives
…Traveling to different places because of the trainings
…The good food we eat during trainings
…Getting to play sports and be American at trainings
…Feeling pumped and excited to continue after the trainings when we get back to our villages
…Language learning – so I can communicate with the people and tell them about Jesus
…Language slip ups- things coming out wrong – it’s a humbling experience, and provides something to laugh about later
…Our first language teacher in town – who went from someone we couldn’t stand to a friend and helper when we go visit T-ville
…Not knowing French, and that most people don’t know much English so I’m forced to use the language and can improved in it
…The people who do know French, or Jula, or Bambara… and are willing to help us record scripture in those languages
…My inadequacies so I don’t let it go to my head that any of this is by my own ability, but it’s by God’s
…People who reject what I say about God – shows His word is getting out there, and the rest is up to Him, and God’s word produces fruit so sooner or later they’ll stop rejecting
…People who do welcome God’s word and recognizes it’s truth
…God’s promise that Maninka people will be gathered around the throne of Christ in heaven
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