


Thanks to all of you who prayed for those certain people and places last month. I know GOD is doing, and will continue to do great things through those prayers.

We have been getting some more stories done with Bro, and it's getting pretty exciting. Please keep lifting him up, sometimes I feel God is really speaking to him and starting to get to him, but he's just fighting it. Some time ago he had written over his door "There is only one God and Mohammad is his prophet" He believes that is written over a door somewhere in heaven. Well it was starting to fade just about the time when it seemed he was opening up to Isa, and starting to see he's different, and that he's more than just a man. But the more it starts to look like God just may get through to him, the more Bro seems to recite his Koranic words louder and more often, and he even re-wrote Mohammad's name above his door, and made it bolder like he's trying really hard to make a statement, to make it clear that he still follows Mohammad, although he's asked us several times now how we follow Jesus. There's a lot of great things happening with him, he likes reading the bible, he loves working on the stories, but he's still got a long way to go it seems.

Please continue to lift up Sara - especially her health. She was just getting over Malaria, and thought her health was coming back but just last week she was sick again, and right now we're not sure what the problem is. She works alot and works hard. When she is well she's the only one that does pretty much everything for our compound, the cleaning, cooking, pounding, and anything else you can think of she probably does it. Some good things with her is she's let us pray for her several times, and one time when I asked if she was feeling better, she said "yes and it's because of the prayer." She's also asked us to pray for her when she would go out and sell at the market. Please keep lifting her up that she would truly see the power of prayer because we pray in Isa's name and not someone else's.

Updates on some of the other people in our lives:
Some of the cousins have sat in during our story sessions, and even heard us talk about how we follow Isa. - Pray they see it's more than just a story but TRUTH

The Imam has seen me several times reading my English and Bambara bible, and one day he asked to look at it, and I explained to him it's God's word. - Pray his interest would grow and start reading it himself

Mani had her baby - it's a girl

Please keep praying for these people in our lives that they would see Isa is The Way, The Truth, and Life.

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