


In the last week (Jan 5-13) Kacy and I went to the U.S. for our last vacation before our term ends.

For the first part of that vacation we were in Tennessee for one of our former teammate's wedding. There we got to meet up with most of our West African family who have moved back stateside. On the morning of the wedding we all gathered in one hotel room and had worship the way we use to in Africa. It was a sweet time of singing praises to God, sharing prayers, and discussing a story from God's word. Other friends from across the ocean in 2 West African countries were able to join our worship time via skype. I love it when technology works for you.

We also got to enjoy snow, though most people were not too happy about it making the roads a bit slippery. We were also able to enjoy good food, and beautiful scenery as we checked out sights in Tennessee, and drove from Nashville TN, to Raleigh NC.

Since our term is coming close to an end many have been asking us "what's next?". We're asking ourselves the same question. During this trip Kacy and I visited a couple schools, and a ministry organization to see what possible direction we could go. The visits went well, and I'm eager to see what God has in store for us next. So far there seems to be a lot of possibilities, and that's good. I know when the time is right God will narrow it down and make it clear exactly where He wants me to go.

Till then please keep lifting that up to God for me, and please continue to lift up the ministry here.

We are making progress with the stories, but now that we can almost see and end mark, I don't want to slack and loose sight of the present. I know there is much work cut out for us so please pray we don't get stressed by the pressure, and that God will work it all out that we leave here with a solid story set for the Maninka people.

*some photos from the trip on my Picture blog*

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