

We've moved in

So we moved in to our new house this past Thursday. The place looks even better than I thought it would. What’s even better than that are our neighbors, the Pastor and his family. They put a lot of work in getting the place ready for us to move in, and helped us greatly as we were moving in, and now that we’re there they keep looking out for us and are willing to help out in any way we need. Pastor’s wife Ruth and his daughters bring us food time to time because they're afraid we’re not eating enough. They all offer to help with anything around the house, like killing the insects trying to get inside, or fixing our hanger when a storm came in and took part of it off. We really are blessed to have them in our lives.

In the past coupl
e days the Pastor has taken us around to greet some key men in town. We stopped by the Mayor’s office and greeted some of his people. We met the chief of the town and brought him some cola nuts. We met our landlord, and a good number of other leaders. Then we went around with Ruth and met some of the key women in town, and walked around the market with her. As Ruth is introducing us to people she usually tells them we've come to work with Pastor, and that’s exactly it, we’re here to join him as he’s already trying to reach out to the Maninka people with the word of God, we hope to do the same, and I’m very excited about these new relationships and being able to share stories with them.

One of my favorite things about living there, is in the evenings after dinner w
e go to Pastors house, and have prayer time every night. Even when he has guests staying with him, or sometimes one of the other members of the church come too, and we’ll all sing a song, share our requests, and pray together, everyone from the youngest who’s about 4 to the oldest. Concert prayers are usually uncomfortable for me at times, but during those nights it’s so awesome, coz everyone is praying from their heart in any language, Kacy and I in English, the family praying in Bambara or Maninka, others may pray in French. It’s so amazing that we can all call out to God in those different languages at the same time, and be absolutely sure HE hears us. GOD IS GOOD!

.: :: PICTURES :: :.
(click on the pictures to enlarge them)

::Top:: The guys trying to fit all our stuff in the moving truck. Leaving the capital to go down to Archenland. ::Middle 1:: All our things made it, and now here we're trying to fit it all in that one little house... (and we did) ::Middle 2:: Pastor's son helping us pump our water. ::Bottom:: Trying to fill up 2 trash cans of water to take back home (we don't have running water)

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